Welcome to the Buoyancy Blog

We’re launching a blog on the Buoyancy PR site! As I’m writing this, it’s not January 2021, it’s spring 2022. I’m not sure who will go back to find this post. But I want to be honest and let you know we are preloading the blog with content we already have.

Here’s the story that I’m sharing in case it illustrates something useful to you.

Back in November 2020 when the new Buoyancy PR website launched, it did not include a blog. I didn’t want to be one of those websites with an optimistically started blog that starts off regularly posting and then suddenly the most recent entry was from 2018.

Besides, I didn’t think I had anything to say.

Turns out that was wrong because a few months later, I started writing weekly missives, mostly about the Christian retail industry and the Author Journey, sometimes also on working with the media. In the posts I offer industry info plus my thoughts and tips aimed at supporting Christian authors and businesspeople.

It finally dawned on me I could share selections from those weekly notes on my website, so I’m launching this blog.

Amazingly to me, it’s already been well over a year since I started writing the almost-weekly notes in January 2021. Some have definitely been better than others.

So to build the archive, I’ve selected a couple a month to preload. Then going forward, we will continue to update a couple of times a month, generally with recent emails.

And of course since it’s a blog, where the posts appear in reverse chronological order, me speaking of ‘preloading’ and ‘going forward’ might make you a bit dizzy but you’ll figure it out.

By the way, if you’d like to get the weekly missives as they appear, we’ll be glad to add you to the email list if you click here to let us know.

Thanks for joining me here. 

Joni Sullivan Baker
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