November 2022 With Thanks for You, and Others Who Have Loved Books, Even in Ancient Ephesus
Even in ancient times, people loved sharing ideas and were writing books.
For example, the photo above features on the left the three-story façade of the Library of Celsus from ancient Ephesus, yes that Ephesus, built not long after the Apostle Paul walked the nearby area.
Most of you readers are authors/future authors or somehow interested or involved in the Christian publishing industry,
And it can feel kind of lonely out there. Ever feel that way? Let this image above be an encouragement.
Because the making of books and the reverence of ideas and exchanging ideas was not new then and is not new now.
And it’s still needed.
As you feel led to write what God has laid on your heart to share with others, be encouraged.
I took this photo, as we walked streets and areas where the Apostle Paul most likely also walked. Later I’ll be back with more details on the amazing experience.
But for now, in this Thanksgiving season, know that we at Buoyancy appreciate you and your heartfelt commitment to sharing what God has done in your life, through your writing.
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