Let’s keep talking about interviews. Here are a few thoughts especially for those of you preparing to attend CPE or NRB tradeshows, both of them coming up in February. That is, the Christian Product Expo in Tampa February 16-18 or National Religious Broadcasters Convention, February 24-27 in the Dallas area. If you are representing yourself without a publicist at a trade show it...

It’s getting to be the time of year when some of you are looking forward to having some interviews in advance of or in connection with an industry trade show that Christian media will attend.There are two such events coming up in February.So, it seemed like a good time to talk for a couple of weeks about working with journalists.Most...

It’s still the New Year to me, all the more with having a snow day today, so as we get going on the year 2025 and our own businesses, it’s giving me pause to reflect a bit on my own behavior and experiences with customer service received and provided, as well as those times when calling it service is a...

Today, on the first Friday in December, we’re going to encourage you to consider some decisions to make this month for action now and in coming months. And we’ll start our list of ‘three to get ready” with the announcement of a coming brand-new opportunity. December for January: Refreshed Christian Media special opportunityAlthough we don’t talk about it very often, our sister...

A few weeks ago in the Buoyancy community weekly email, we wrote about book awards and suggested you check them out if you are an author or are writing a book. Winning a book award, or even an honorable mention, can be a helpful element in the marketing program for your books, new as well as not-so-new, to help boost sales...

Guess what, there’s continuing good news about Christian book sales. Religious book publishing revenue has been going up for a while now, and something I read this week suggests the experts expect it to continue in this vein. According to a story this week in Publisher’s Weekly (PW), “religious press sales continue to be the fastest growing segment of the trade publishing business.” This...

Every once in a while, Campbell’s minestrone soup appeals to me, so I like to keep some on hand. It was likely decades ago when I was first introduced to it. Not something to which I have given much thought. Until recently. Turns out in my smaller Tennessee town, neither Kroger nor Walmart now carry minestrone. Fortunately, when I made this discovery, my...

If you are an author, you need to consider book awards. Here are a couple of reasons why. My office contains a lot of books. I’m in the process of preparing for some upgrades in the room that will require moving a couple of bookcases so I’ve been going through books and reorganizing, separating client books from business books, other books I’ve...

He doesn’t say anything about it to me, but I am positive my brother-in-law finds it incomprehensible that my husband and I can’t plan and execute our driving trips with any accuracy on when we will get to their house. Many times, we are off by hours. On the most recent trip, we were off by a day. Well. While that’s...

One of the fun things about events where authors gather is that they not only develop relationships and learn from one another, but a fairly significant number of them have podcasts and start making connections with each other for future interviews. “You should come on my podcast,” I’ve heard them say to one another. “Oh, I’d love that,” is the inevitable response. Those...