Images of the Christmas season, think Hallmark movies and Christmas cards, make the most of home and hearth, generally in a cold climate. Gifts and loved ones in abundant measure. But we know that’s not how it is for oh so many in our country and around the world. They aren’t cozy at home. Nor for that matter, was the One we...

In this season of being thankful, it truly is good for the soul to look around and be aware of the blessings we receive when other people are gracious, giving, forgiving, kind and compassionate.But then look also at your own life. Be aware that when you go just a bit out of your way to be kind to a stranger,...

What is it you are dreaming of doing? The life lesson for me this week is: Dive in and do it. Many writers dream of doing the book but there never seems to be quite enough time to really get it done. Or you may have travel dreams or dreams of a new business venture, or have a broken relationship that...

You’ve launched it! Your book, your product, your company – and now you want to tell the world. One way Buoyancy PR works with its clients to achieve this is through our emphasis on media interviews and professional preparation for this by developing a news release and interview questions, usually a full press kit including this and more.And then we...

“So, what is your book about?” “Tell me about your business.” “Whaddya mean, your grandchild is the smartest one God ever created?” You’ve heard of elevator speeches, right? Sometimes also called an elevator pitch, they are the brief and succinct responses to the types of questions I just posed. They are the kind of thing you could share with someone on an elevator...

Change. It’s a surprisingly nuanced topic with many variations. Change is sometimes forced on us by external forces, sometimes it’s something we choose. And sometimes we choose it because we want different things in life or in a part of our life.That’s where motivational speakers and thinkers can come in.I’m not sure when I first ran across the above quote....

Discoverability is what some of us call it when someone does an online search for you and finds you. And, if you are an author, also finds your book. My clients being discovered is one of the main goals of the work I do. In addition to finding your website, and those all-important book listings on book commerce sites, I...

It’s slipped into September, and here in southern Ohio, the weather this week is letting us know it remembers how to make things cooler and crisper. It’s gorgeous, if you are ready to part with summer. [And if you’ll forgive us for not having had the horrible weather other parts of the country have faced in recent days.]But I’m not...

Do I need your forgiveness? Time has long been a mystery to me.  I don’t “manage” it well – but then that is in itself a misnomer. We don’t manage time – we manage ourselves with regard to time, some of us better than others. Yet whether one is skilled or unskilled with our approach to time, it is interesting to...

In August, 2021 the Christian retail industry gathered in the St. Louis area for the Christian Product Expo, sponsored by the Christian Retail Association, the industry’s trade organization. According to event organizers, while the numbers weren’t quite yet back to the enthusiastic participation levels pre-Covid in August of 2019, they were close.Buoyancy PR and a total of six of its...