Heading off to NRB and looking ahead to CPE. Recently the World Health Organization made the announcement that the Covid 19 pandemic was officially over. It was a fairly ho-hum announcement in a world with flashier and more horrific crises du jour, but it confirmed what I’ve been feeling in recent weeks in the slice of life where I live. The world...

Some How-Tos on Writing Interview Questions. Last week we spoke about interview questions and their role in a press kit to promote a book or a product. We mentioned the questions should address the key points in your book, and serve your goals.This week we are going to dive into more of the how-tos, and I’ll be sharing a few...

So why is it my job to write the interview questions? If you’ve been reading here once in a while, you may have heard me talk before about press or media kits, material that is prepared for the media about your book or cause. The centerpiece of the press kit is a news article called a news release, but the second...

Does it matter when you release your book? If you are an author, you are working hard to finish your book, get it through all the steps to produce it, and rush it out there to the waiting world. Right? Or not? Because here’s another thought for you that might be something new to consider. As you work on your book, and factor in...

When to release your book? Keep Christmas in mind. Will your book make a great Christmas gift? Do you dream of shoppers finding it in a bookstore while shopping? Then you need to consider when retailers make their ordering decisions for that crucial sales season, and no, this isn’t an Almost-April Fools Day joke. Retailers make these buying decisions early, possibly much earlier...

Remember those days when we all had to go virtual and suddenly we were learning about Zoom? The jokes and reality of a dress shirt over PJs, learning to keep the kids and dogs out of the room, and muting and unmuting ourselves? Someday maybe it’ll be nostalgic, but for me, it’s a little too soon. I was incredibly grateful to Zoom...

My favorite project is finally here. If you read these notes from time to time, you may remember other times when I refer to NRB, the National Religious Broadcasters convention, which has kept the NRB letters but now describes itself as the “world’s largest gathering of Christian communicators.” This year, several thousand media and communication professionals from all over the world...

Interview tips and stories from normally nice Christian journalists who interview authors. Over my years of working with authors and Christian journalists, I’ve gained some insights from the journalists, and I think of those as tales from the front lines. In coming months, I’ll be sharing some of those, as they provide some insights and tips on doing your best...

Creating an Author’s Community. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I would be introducing some Christian publishers I believe are trustworthy and have valuable approaches to offer authors for their books. So here’s some information about another one of those hybrid publishers who provides authors with a wide range of services, even before they’ve finished writing their book. They start from...

And for first time authors it can be confusing as well. I was on a call recently with an author and his wife who wanted to know if Buoyancy PR could help them promote his book. They had researched marketing and publicity and had done many things right. They knew a news release was important for promoting the author’s book, so they...