As we all wind down on the year and assess where we are and set targets for where we want to go in 2023 in life, faith, business, and writing, I wanted to share one more reflection from the experiences I had visiting the land where Paul worked and ministered and the church fought through cultural views to introduce the wonderful Good...

Even in ancient times, people loved sharing ideas and were writing books. For example, the photo above features on the left the three-story façade of the Library of Celsus from ancient Ephesus, yes that Ephesus, built not long after the Apostle Paul walked the nearby area. Most of you readers are authors/future authors or somehow interested or involved in the Christian publishing...

As promised, we wanted to let you know how things went for Aquila Dhu, author of In Wrath Remember Mercy, who went on a book and speaking tour for about a week at the end of August into Labor Day weekend. She considered it a success, but not in the number of books sold. She enjoyed meeting people and learning their concerns...

It’s my privilege to work with many authors, and I learn from them. Sometimes they reflect on their author journey and tell me things they learned the hard way. And by now, some topics come up repeatedly. When the same topic comes up numerous times from authors with many kinds of projects and various different publishers, I pay attention. I’ve decided to start...

We’ve commented here before that as an author, you need to think of yourself as a business or ministry organization, not just a person with a book. That viewpoint will affect a lot of your decisions and also, I believe, energize your efforts to share your story and tell others about your book. And whether you are an author or not...

According to an article in Publishers Weekly, the August 14-16 Christian Product Expo (CPE) drew about 650 industry representatives and featured about 100 or more exhibition booths. Our attendance brought us in touch with authors, publishers, and representatives of Christian media who were in attendance. This week we’re pleased to share with you the reactions of Buoyancy PR clients, Jill Zientek and Vicky DeMaio, co-authors...

I’ve written here before about author persona and deciding how you want to show up as an author. I mentioned the woman I remembered seeing once at a trade show wearing a velvet cape and hat. Well, meet Miss Maggie. This past week I was at the Christian Product Expo (CPE) and at their Sunday night author book signing event called Appetizers...

A big trip is on the horizon for one of our authors, Aquilah Dhu, who lives in Colorado. She will travel hundreds of miles between one side of her state and the other and then going north into Wyoming to meet folks in at least six locales, doing book signings in bookstores as well as speaking for one museum. She’ll be...

Want to build relationships with media representatives? Here’s one thing to understand. You aren’t equals. At least, your schedule and time and theirs are not equal. I’ve spent a lot of years working with the news media, and while it’s an ever changing landscape for them and for us, some things have not changed. And here are some things about...