And the winner is… Have you considered entering your book in a book contest? One of the standard bits of wisdom authors are taught is that an award for your book will draw attention and help boost sales because it means an independent body has recognized the book’s excellence.And book awards are worth talking about, but like some other topics...

On a busy tradeshow exhibition floor, I was once surprised to spot a woman wearing in a rich jewel-toned velvet cape with some kind of matching hat – possibly featuring a feather -- and I was intrigued but mystified. Then a more experienced colleague explained to me that some authors take on a persona and show up at events in costume. That...

So how aware are you of this community? Maybe you or those you love participate in the Christian homeschooling community, but if not or it’s been a while, have you considered this committed and caring community of families? For many authors, this is an ideal market for their books and ministry. There are publications, blogs and podcasts that specialize in serving...

So let’s say you are an author, or a writer preparing for getting your first book out, but you aren’t one who normally spends a lot of time on social media. How do you get started? And to cut to the chase, how do you get from Rarely There to the “buy my book!” kind of posts? Previously we introduced you Shannon Danesteh,...

Today’s missive on social media is one of those many of you can skip, but before you go, check out these recent (2021) social media statistics: Did you know… • 82% of Americans use social media, meaning they have a social media profile somewhere on some platform.• That’s 223 million people.• In 2008 the number was 10%. By 2011 it was...

In the past couple of weeks as we’ve been discussing press kits, including news releases, I was reminded of a principle I use that might be helpful for those of you seeking to write your own news releases and decide what is the best news angle. It’s not a principle that’s unique with me, but I call it the “So What?”...

Last week we introduced the topic of press kits, a crucial tool for promoting an author and his or her book with the news media. As we said then, a press kit is a set of documents about an author and the author’s book designed to interest journalists and then help make it easier for them to interview and...

Nothing I like more to hear from a journalist than, “Send me the press kit.” Why? you may be asking. In fact you may also be asking other questions starting with, What is a press kit? Or these: Why is it important? Do I need one?These are all questions I get from my clients, as well. They are great questions worth answering, so...

If you are an author or aspiring Christian author, have you given any thought to how you’ll connect with Christian bookstores across the country? One good way to explore this is to attend the Christian Product Expo (CPE) and meet bookstore owners face to face.Those frontline booksellers can provide you with their invaluable perspectives as you make decisions on the...

Guess what day it is today. Did you guess National Jellybean Day? Yep, I thought you might have figured that out. But it may be less obvious why we are talking about this (though I could take a poll and see how many other households, like mine, do still have some leftover jellybeans available for sharing. But I digress.)...