Welcome to the Buoyancy PR blog.


Get to know us better by dipping into our blog, a somewhat regular selection of thoughts and musings intended to be of interest to those who like to think about their own Author Journey and who may be curious about Christian retail events.

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Nothing I like more to hear from a journalist than, “Send me the press kit.” Why? you may be asking. In fact you may also be asking other questions starting with, What is a press kit? Or these: Why is it important? Do...

If you are an author or aspiring Christian author, have you given any thought to how you’ll connect with Christian bookstores across the country? One good way to explore this is to attend the Christian Product Expo (CPE) and meet...

Guess what day it is today. Did you guess National Jellybean Day? Yep, I thought you might have figured that out. But it may be less obvious why we are talking about this (though I could take a poll...

It’s a joy to work with authors and to celebrate the wide variety of approaches and ideas they employ to tell people about their books. In this Buoyancy community, it’s important to us to support authors and encourage them to...