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Heading off to NRB and looking ahead to CPE. Recently the World Health Organization made the announcement that the Covid 19 pandemic was officially over. It was a fairly ho-hum announcement in a world with flashier and more horrific crises du...

Some How-Tos on Writing Interview Questions. Last week we spoke about interview questions and their role in a press kit to promote a book or a product. We mentioned the questions should address the key points in your book, and...

So why is it my job to write the interview questions? If you’ve been reading here once in a while, you may have heard me talk before about press or media kits, material that is prepared for the media about your...

Does it matter when you release your book? If you are an author, you are working hard to finish your book, get it through all the steps to produce it, and rush it out there to the waiting world. Right? Or not? Because...