Welcome to the Buoyancy PR blog.


Get to know us better by dipping into our blog, a somewhat regular selection of thoughts and musings intended to be of interest to those who like to think about their own Author Journey and who may be curious about Christian retail events.

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My favorite project is finally here. If you read these notes from time to time, you may remember other times when I refer to NRB, the National Religious Broadcasters convention, which has kept the NRB letters but now describes itself...

Interview tips and stories from normally nice Christian journalists who interview authors. Over my years of working with authors and Christian journalists, I’ve gained some insights from the journalists, and I think of those as tales from the front lines....

Creating an Author’s Community. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I would be introducing some Christian publishers I believe are trustworthy and have valuable approaches to offer authors for their books. So here’s some information about another one of those...

And for first time authors it can be confusing as well. I was on a call recently with an author and his wife who wanted to know if Buoyancy PR could help them promote his book. They had researched marketing and publicity...