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Get to know us better by dipping into our blog, a somewhat regular selection of thoughts and musings intended to be of interest to those who like to think about their own Author Journey and who may be curious about Christian retail events.

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Pitched yourself to a journalist or bookstore recently? Or tried to convince your spouse, boss, kid, or friend of anything? Just a reminder today of something you already know: It’ll go better if you keep their interests in mind and present...

Authors--considered selling your book(s) at a book fair?Keep reading. All the world is in upheaval again, but some book fairs are coming back in person, especially those, I suspect, in warm climates where some events can be outside in milder...

Images of the Christmas season, think Hallmark movies and Christmas cards, make the most of home and hearth, generally in a cold climate. Gifts and loved ones in abundant measure. But we know that’s not how it is for oh so...

In this season of being thankful, it truly is good for the soul to look around and be aware of the blessings we receive when other people are gracious, giving, forgiving, kind and compassionate.But then look also at your own...